20 February 2010
"Protect Children Now" Movement launches a law competition for students in Law Colleges in the Gulf Countries to develop a model law to protect children from abuse. Dr. Mohammed Al-Roken - lawyer and associate professor U.A.E. University, and a founder of the movement, states that one of the goals of this competition is to encourage students to study the area of child laws
, and to participate in filling the legislation needs in the area of child protection laws. Dr. Mohammed also hopes that this law will encourage MPs and Shoura Council Members to adopt child protection laws.
The students need to study all the International conventions related to child protection, and learn from the experiences of other countries. The deadline for submitting the study and the model law is by 21st October 2010. The winning study will be awarded $2000, and a certificate.
This competition comes as a step towards fulfilling the goal of ‘Protect Children Now' Movement which is to promote the safety of children from abuse through encouraging new and more comprehensive legislation.