
My Talent... Life Project

Talent is the sweet feature inherent in every human being, and it is capable of growth and prosperity as the owner develops it. It is like the seed that lies in the ground, when its owner takes care of it and takes care of it, it germinates, grows and bears fruit. Talent is not related to intelligence and is not limited to skills, it is an ability, or the ability to distinguish this person.


  • Correcting the common meaning of talent, which is limited to the technical and sensory aspects, to include broader aspects of human life. Every person has a talent that he can present to others through it.
  • Encouraging children and adolescents to discover and develop their talent (talents) and to give to society through it.
  • Supporting parents and educators in identifying the broad spectrum of types of talent, and the different aspects through which it manifests, to help them discover and develop their children’s talents.
  • Partnership with relevant institutions to spread the culture of talent and its importance.

"Be Free" Main Sponsor


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