26 October 2011
Be-Free conducted essential protection skills workshops for a group of children of Alsalam school – Kindergarten. The children were introduced to some of the main protection skills with short, and easy to memorize slogans, which they can recall and practice.
The first skill was having the slogan "My Body is Mine", in which children were trained on the main concept that each person's body belongs to him/her, which helps them to understand the privacy of their body and protect it.
The second skill, "I don't keep bad secrets", is about the secrets, as the perpetrators teach children to keep whatever happens with them as a secret to keep the abuse going. This skill trains children to differentiate between good secrets, that they can keep, and bad secrets which they need to tell their parents or someone they trust about.
The third skill, "Say No to Strangers", is to refuse riding with strangers, or getting carried away in talking with them.
These skills, and other skills are available in a simple form on the website www.be-free.info You can visit it, and encourage children to visit it to learn about these skills. Wishing all the children a safer life.