Archived News

“I am an Important Person” and “I Choose my Words Smartly” During the second week of summer program

13 July 2011

Be-Free conducted two training workshops for each participating age group, in the summer program that aims at training children on skills to deal with the self and others in a way that contributes in building their personality and enhance their self-esteem.

The first workshop "I'm an important person" focused on the importance of each Human Person in general, and the presence of every child is important and respected. Every child is a human being created by God, and has an effect in this world as everyone else. This workshop contributes in helping children respect themselves and consider their human value, as well as respect others and not to reduce their value.

The second workshop "I choose my words smartly", aims at delivering concepts that help children to pick their words, not only to be free of irony and cynicism and indifference, but to be polite, shows respect to others and contribute to better communicate with them. When the child gives himself a chance to think of the words that come out of his mouth, and chooses them carefully, trains him on controlling himself and what he says in different situations, especially in difficult and thorny situations. This contributes in making him feel that what he says and the words he chooses has importance and effect on himself and others, which in turn contributes in raising his self-esteem and his ability to communicate with others.

"Be Free" Main Sponsor


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