Archived News

A New Season of Training Workshops

November 2013

Be-Free started a new season of training workshops for children, in which each month will focus on one concept, and cover it from different angles. This season aims at building a positive personality for children, raising their self-esteem, helping them take responsibility at their homes and schools, and communicate in a better way with their family and community.

The season started last October with a series of workshops “I am a Leader Child” that covers the concept of leadership, which is defined as the positive change, however small, that every person can make in the community. The workshops covered some of the leadership skills such as self-esteem, pro-activity, and other skills.

During December the workshops will cover the concept of “Feelings” from different aspects such as how to recognize the different types of feelings, how to express it, and control it. These workshops are titled “Me and my feelings”. On January next year, the concept of thinking before speaking, and the positive and creative thinking skills will be covered in “My thoughts are the source of my happiness”.

February workshops are titled “My brain motivates me to success” in which children will learn how the brain influences our lives, and the skills that can help in self-motivation. Since March is a month in which family is celebrated, Be-Free will conduct a series of workshops about the concept of family and the role of each member in bringing beauty and happiness to it. Children will also learn family communication skills.

“Sharing is a fun solution” is the title of a series of workshops in April that covers the concept and skills of sharing, and how it participates in children’s development. Moreover Be-Free will cover “Responsibility” during the month of May, as an important concept that can positively affect children and sharpen their skills.

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