Be-Free issued a training guide for a series of workshops titled “Joyfulness” for children in elementary school. It aims at introducing the value of Joy and its importance in the children’s life, and how to deal with life situation in a way that helps them instill this value. The guide consists of four workshops as follows:
1.I balance my happiness and sadness: This workshop helps children in dealing with the events of their life in a balanced way, so they do not get immersed in sad events, and derive their energy and activeness from the happy events and appreciate it.
2. Joyfulness Is my source of happiness:
The aim of this workshop is to convey the concepts of joy to children, and how to give life events meanings that contribute in developing and building their personality.
3.Results of happiness and sadness are not as they seem: This workshop helps children realize that the current situation for every event does not mean that it will remain the same forever, and that many times there are positive aspects for a situation that looks bad, and vice versa.
4. I decide to live my life joyfully: The workshop aims at increasing the awareness of children about joyfulness, and that it is a choice that children choose and not related to the situations that they go through. This choice will increase their confidence and success in different areas of life.
This training guide, along with other Be-Free guides, are easy to follow and implement, uses simple tools that are available in every environment, cost effective, and can be conducted in different children’s gathering places such as schools, and clubs. It is designed in a way that contains activities to add fun and increase awareness of children. “Joyfulness” training guide is currently available in Arabic and can be downloaded from the training guides.